Spring & Summer Skills

The program is limited to 30 skaters and 4 goalies in each group.

Last summer sold out please register ASAP!

Our foundation is built on the basis of passion, motivation, and hard work. Our team of highly skilled professionals strives to provide kids of all ages and skill levels, with a positive framework for success, self-enhancement, and maturation through both instruction and supportive coaching. With an emphasis on teamwork, we provide not only skill development, but also character development applicable to all aspects of the kids growing process, while maintaining a fun and exciting, yet challenging environment.

Please have your player attend the skill session based on their date of birth or contact Dan Giordano or Joe Giordano to discuss skill level.

Open to Boys and Girls.

Summer Skills

June 3rd through August 8th (10 Weeks)

Monday Skills, Thursday Games

Open to Boys and Girls

Cost $395

6:00 - 7:00 pm - 2015 Birth Year and Younger

7:10 - 8:10 pm – 2012, 2013, 2014 Birth Year

8:20 - 9:20 pm - 2011 and older


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